Friday, May 8, 2009

Wishing Barack Had Been Along For the Ride!

Back at a computer and will try to catch you up on our trip.

On rest of the drive into Canada, we experienced excellent weather but saw many indications of the poor economy, particularly in Missouri and Michigan.

The highways in Michigan, particularly south of Flint, need crews (perhaps with some stimulus money?) to clear the roadways and shoulders of roadkill, debris, and garbage. Would like to have had Mr. Obama in the car for about 10 miles so he could have seen for himself.

All the way up, traffic was lighter than we have been used to over the past few years.

The rest areas - with a few exceptions - were the reason you need to have lots of wipes and perhaps a bottle of germ kill in your purse or pocket.

Some hotels were scrimping - less towels, not all toiletries, broken fridges. In other words, they are making do with less staff and less amenities.

A London, Ontario hotel "won" worst hotel with a crammed layout, minimum towels, and the worst - a toilet that was leaking and totally wet . . . Oh, wow! But not to worry, our total for that one was just over the $100 mark!

(Yes, yes, I am making light of it, but we are only using three chains and anyone needing to know that particular location, just let me know! The selected chains are Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn-Hilton and Comfort Inn.)

People always spend money when they are travelling and so perhaps Tourism is an area that needs a little encouragement right now!

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