Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Well, so far, there have not been too many photos of us eating on our marathon trip to Toronto and Port Hope. There might be a reason for that since I am down some in weight and was trying to keep it off.

In a note from Richard Simmons in response to his viewing some of my photos, two comments stood out. I, of course, liked the one where Richard said, "You looked so pretty in the photos." Richard is good at saying nice things like that. And he always sends best wishes to Hubby, probably because he knows husbands giving support are fundamental to us keeping our weight off.

I told him I had gained three pounds (now down to two) and his response was:

"I hope there will be a day where you can vacation and not put on weight." Hmm . . . does Richard mean that I will have more willpower or does he mean that no one will serve anything tempting?

Above, you may recognize the seat in the Pickle Barrel Restaurant where Elaine and I had a lot of laughs. I had corned beef on rye and scarely could finish the meat, setting most of the bread aside and polishing off most of the cole slaw.

Boys will be boys and I wanted you to see D'arcy & Hubby with some of Canada's finest: Keith's Ale.

Now, Shahab and Cathie are slim as slim so of course, their dining table was the one that was really groaning! (There was lots of food on top of those special placemats!)

I did well with a plain burger and some salad. There were four desserts, including homemade chocolate chip cookies which Cathie put into a Ziploc bag and handed to Hubby to take to the hotel . . . How do I know they were so good?

Of course, there was cake in the evening at Val's house for our SCS 50th and, yes, I did have a little piece of that. As you already heard, salad and pizza were also served here. Uh . . . Oh.

We did eat twice at Swiss Chalet - once with Judy and family and once with Sheri, both in Port Hope. Yes, we did eat at Tim Hortons but there are no photos there.

In Berea, Ohio (near Cleveland), we ate Chinese and then went back to Keith's sister, Louise's for a little birthday cake. Louise, ever mindful to detail, used her special glass plates on a pretty bridge cloth and she had purchased a RSS* cake which was delicious.

You know, I got off pretty light (fully intended pun there) with only three pounds, now down to two!

There was another dinner you saw in the photos with our cousins.

On the road, I ate healthy at hotel breakfast bars with Hubby sometimes having something that would be okay for slim him.

I did find one thing and that is that almost every restaurant including Appleby's, Bob Evans, Cracker Barrel, etc. does have a salad that if you are careful about the dressing, you can eat quite healthy and still be part of the group!

*Richard Simmons Size, which would be actually much smaller than this cake . . . heck, it would only be a taste!

If you need a cheerleader and lots of help with losing weight, go to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's 1:00 have not had lunch yet and I opened your blog about all the good food. I remember having meat pies in Canada mmm good. I think you showed great will power and 3 lb's doesn't sound too bad.