Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Busy, Busy Day In Port Hope And Peterborough

Wow! What a day we've had! First, Judy came by the hotel in Port Hope and drove Hubby and me up to Peterborough where everything is in bloom! Got some glorious Canadian scrapbooking papers, and some embellishments at the scrapbook store in the Mall.

Ted, the owner, spoke up and asked us "Is that the lady who was meeting you here?"

Well, yes, indeed, Shirley had already come to the store and there were hugs all around!

The four of us had a sumptuous lunch in town, then Shirley gave us the grand tour of Peterborough.

Back at the Mall found a few more things including a couple of cute things for precious Ava.

We came back down by the lake and everything was very pristine: such a beautiful drive.

Back at the hotel, the message light was flashing and arrangements were made to meet "old" friend, Sheri. Can you believe it was back to Swiss Chalet? Of course you can! Had a fine visit with Sheri who is looking pretty good for having just celebrated her 50th - birthday, that is!

Since the Blue Jays were playing, we hopped over to Bruce's in my old subdivision to watch the rest of the game! Old house looks good as ever - maybe better - with a pool and a higher fence. What a great place that was to live!

Back at the hotel, we know we have to do a little re-arranging to get everything into the car tomorrow morning.

We have a couple more things to check out and we will be on the road again - headed for Erie, Pennsylvania. Hope they have a finest fast food restaurant there because tomorrow just happens to be my birthday!

From Erie, it's down to the Cleveland, Ohio area to see sister Louise at the Renaissance!

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