Friday, May 22, 2009

Ready To Scrapbook A Landmark Event - My St.Clement's School 50th Reunion In Toronto

On the first Saturday of our Toronto visit, we drove down to the Donalda Club, which is a golf club right in the city. The St. Clement's Alumnae Luncheon was there and my class, as you know, was celebrating 50 years.

My cousin, Alf's picture is still on the wall of the second floor indicating he was a President several years ago. The restroom (Canadian: washroom) is two storeys upstairs which any Texan would find odd but my Physical (Canadian: Physio) Therapist, Leo had taught me his Heaven and Hell method of stairs. Unsure of what I might encounter, I did have my cane with me. I did go up (to Heaven) with my good leg, and down (to Hell) with my bad leg. I made it quite well!

I did attend our 40th Reunion, and so I recognized most of the "girls" quite easily. At this, our 50th Reunion, the difference for them is that I was a little different - about 55 lbs. lighter!

The School gave us our lunch and at each of our place settings was a yellow rose (ah ha!) and we were each presented with a silver school pin. In addition to my coming from Texas, one gal came from San Francisco, one from the Vancouver Island area and at least one from "out west" (Edmonton, I think.)

Hubby had very much encouraged me to go to this reunion, even though I have been struggling with my back. I held up very well with heat and exercises and you just cannot duplicate such a momentous event!

I did leave after our class was featured to go back to the hotel to rest for the evening's festivities which were a little less serious.

Tonight, I will begin "cropping" these pictures to have a permanent memory of this landmark occasion!
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