Monday, May 25, 2009

We Are One With This Loss

When a fallen Canadian soldier comes home (from Afghanistan), his coffin comes in to the base at Trenton, Ontario. This picture is one of the decorated bridges where citizens gather to honor their fallen hero, as his coffin is driven along 401 Highway to Toronto, if that is his hometown. Canadians see themselves as part of this war and so it should be. (North America = Canada + United States of America.)

"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me." ~Lee Greenwood

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No matter how you display the flag - be it Canadian or American - display it proudly for all to see. As Billy Ray Cyrus put it, "All Gave Some; Some Gave All".

Freedom isn't Free!

Stop for a few minutes today to pray, to write a note or card, to visit, to honor
those who have kept America (Canada and United States) free.
God Bless America!

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