Thursday, May 14, 2009

FACEBOOK - Not A Confidential Whisper To Your Minister!

Seems to me that I have written about social networking before, but I feel like making a couple of comments today.

I like Facebook! It is simple to use and helps me to network as well as keep in touch.

It is very handy to go to just one spot and be able to tell everyone that you went to the Tea Room for lunch with the girls, or that you are taking off on a vacation. It's simple to sign in once and touch base with lots of friends and relatives.

Yesterday, it was nifty that so many people wished me "Happy Birthday"!

I have enjoyed following my niece and sister-in-law journey to Singapore and surrounding; a friend go to Mr. Obama's inauguration, a niece travel to California, etc. Now, I am on the road and able to keep up with everyone.

If there is something private or confidential to say to someone, I do that with a private e-mail.

I am surprised . . . no, embarrassed . . . when I see someone make a nasty remark or use foul language on Facebook. They need to remember that everyone who is connected with the person your message is directed to can also read that message. In other words . . . it networks or goes to lots of people!

Unless you don't mind everyone connected as friends to all of your friends reading personal, private messages, don't put them on Facebook! Even if it doesn't bother you, consider your friend or relative and how it might embarrass them.

Facebook is definitely not a confidential talk with your clergyman!

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