Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In the top photo, we have Charlotte who is clearly just bursting with glee and her brother, William who takes things more in stride. In the lower picture, they are more content to pose and show off their Texas shirts from Baskin's Department Store.

As some of you know, William was born with tumors on his left eye and will still need some work as his face grows. (Many of you have kept Wil in your prayers and we appreciate that!) He is six now and Charlotte is three. They made us feel really welcome as they entertained us at home before Grandma Judy, Grandpa Don, Uncle Mike and their parents, Christine & Les took us off to Swiss Chalet.

(Actually, William went to a Bowling Banquet and rejoined us after dinner. He had two patches for his bowling shirt and a trophy to show off! He sure is growing up!)

Charlotte likes "girly" things and William is an excellent reader. I didn't hear too much about Wil's aspirations to be a weatherman, and expect that will change over the years. He sat with me and read at a level that seemed beyond his age. He is a thinker and of course, he and I are best buds!

Charlotte brought some "nail polish" to me to see if I could also do girly stuff and I "painted" her finger and toenails for her.

Grandpa Don and Uncle Mike were content to stay in the background and Grandma Judy, a wonderful influence in all of our lives was hovering over us, taking pictures and providing beverages. When Judy invites you to her home, you are King & Queen!

Presented with some major obstacles, Christine and Les have become super parents! They have guidance and help from their own parents but we could really see how much they love their children and think through their decisions for them. They are special to us and it is wonderful to see them looking well and happy.

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