Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Something We Don't Do In Texas!

Of course, you know that  photo reminds me of Muskoka (Ontario Cottage Country) and snowmobiling and that is just part of what you will see if you tune in Greta Van Susterern's program (Part 2) with Gov. Sarah Palin tonight.  It's a little colder up there, and we don't see those hooded jackets much here in Texas.

We watched Part 1 last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Greta Van Susterern was a lawyer and came to prominence during the O.J. Simpson Trial I, as did many others. (If nothing else good came from that, several of the players went on to prominence in other fields.)

Greta is just the person to go to Alaska to interview Sarah on her home turf.  Last night, I enjoyed watching Sarah in her kitchen in her clean business outfit with no apron. (If I am going to make something in my kitchen, I either wear casual clothes or don one of my aprons from my collection.) 

I gather that tonight we will see Moose Chili made. Last night, Sarah appeared to be skinning brats and inserting a piece of cheese, all the time not skipping a beat of the conversation. You gotta love it!

For me, I am still happy to have seen a woman of the calibre of Sarah Palin come to prominence. I do feel that she was given very little time to become familiar with national politics and campaigns.  

Now, I am waiting to see Greta on a snowmobile under Todd Palin's tutorage. Greta came from Wisconsin so this is probably not her first adventure on the machine that made us go up to Cottage Country in wintertime. 

I frighten myself when I think of me snowmobiling in the 70s. I tired quickly of riding behind my then husband. Since I had a neighbor in Barrie, Ontario who worked for Yamaha, I was able to purchase a Yamaha demo with a racing ski and had a blast with it! Snowmobiling is something we definitely don't do in Texas!

I see that the water is frozen and they will have a clear shot to go pretty fast. Tune in tonight on Fox News to see just how fast Greta can make that brute go!

I could hear dogs in the background and I think Todd also does some dog sled racing. So, he has my attention there!

If you are really observant, you might see in the kitchen, a moose ornament around the double light switches! 

When I watch, you know I always look for the obscure details!

Have a blessed day and be glad that we have fresh faces on our political scene!

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