Monday, November 17, 2008

The Grass Always Looks Greener On The Other Side!

If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know I came to East Texas from the Toronto Area because I fell in love with and married Keith. That was a pretty good reason to come to United States and I still feel exceptionally good about it.  However, it has had its stressful moments!

A change in government and painful economy are not even on the list of reasons to move from Canada to United States or from United States to Canada. The economic crisis is everywhere!

In this morning's paper, I read that the day after the election, the hits at the Canadian Immigration website were 'way up. 

The Canadian dollar right now is somewhere around 80 cents, so that might be a small benefit. But when you take a look at the cost of real estate, you will find your dollar does not go nearly as far in Canada as it does in the United States.

Moving the things you would like to take to Canada does not come cheap. So there is another cost.

Finding a job is always a stress, if you are under retirement age.

Speaking of retiring, are you sure you wouldn't miss your friends and family? How 'bout the warmer weather? (They don't call Florida the 11th Province without reason!)

In United States, we do not have socialized medicine but we also can get needed surgery and other procedures very quickly! In Lufkin, we have one of the finest medical communities anywhere. We have two hospitals, all equipment and specialists of every discipline. I often think about how much better a life there is for a doctor's family living in a smaller community than in the big city.

Eleven years ago, I recall my cousin talking about $16 parking for an hour at Toronto Mt.Sinai Hospital and there has been a subsidy for parents parking at Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. We even had a toll booth at the Port Hope Hospital - I mention that in my book. 

Parking at our Lufkin Hospitals is not only free; at Memorial, there is a complimentary valet service. Hello? I said complimentary valet parking! 

Canada and the United States are so much alike when it comes to the basics, that you would be soon wondering just why you made a huge decision to do that!

Of course, moving your home and changing your job are two of the top stresses you can have in your life.

Stick around - you're gonna find a lot of good things happening when Barack Obama moves into the White House! Keep watching this ordinary fellow with the plain ties who has his eyes set on a better life for everyone.

Remember what Mama told you -

"Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire!"

"The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side!"

Have a fine day and just do what you do with more enthusiasm today and see how you feel about your life at the end of the day!

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