Saturday, November 29, 2008

For Your Best Holiday Season Ever - Take It Easy!

Lots of people purchase holiday gifts well in advance. We try to do that. This weekend, we will be assembling what we have purchased. Did we get something for everyone? Will they like it? 

I suspect that we are not much different from most people this year in that we have tried to find suitable gifts at economical cost. (After all, we do like to be able to eat and pay bills and everything did go up this year.) 

Hubby has always left this up to me and I suspect this is the case in many households. 

I have been hearing a few stories about how folks are treating each other at the stores. 

Of course right now there are massive sales and there were flyers indicating unbelievable low prices on premium items. That was if you were at the store before dawn and if there were any of that store’s quota left by the time you got to the item. Then, of course, you had to line up to pay for your “fantastic buy”. 

Now, that scenario is not for me, but I did hear a few stories from people who did brave the battle. There was rudeness and bumping and some people actually were physically harmed. In a New York Wal-Mart some one was killed. This just might not be what the holiday season should be about! 

We are looking forward to family coming in from South Korea and Los Angeles. We are going to finally meet significant others. 

The thrill of seeing family gathered together is very special. That trumps all gifts. The Christmas Eve buffet at our house after Church service could be a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly and a loaf of plain white bread. It won’t be, but I don’t imagine what is on that buffet table will come close to the crushing hugs for the young people we haven’t seen in over a year. 

We will not be the only family overwhelmed by just seeing in person those who have been far away, some serving our country and some building their careers and lives. 

We’ll be thinking about the decorations that were up last time they were home and serving the shrimp with the same cocktail sauce they had the last time. 

You see, all the time we have been missing them, they have been thinking about how it was last time they were here. 

I can do that! I can make it as much like it was last time as possible! 

Of course, Ava will be the big difference! They are going to realize how long since they were home when they see Ava. She is no longer a baby in arms but a little person, running, reaching, touching and smiling. Ava has her own thoughts and ideas and she is busy all the time! 

So, we have a list of food to serve and we will pick up the staple items this week, well in advance. We have the list of what to order to pick up at the last moment. 

We will try to place the decorations as we always do and then we will try to rest to be in optimum health to enjoy this time. 

At church, on Christmas Eve, it has always been a special time for me. Of course, some people will go elsewhere but we are fortunate that many of the families will come home. There will be lots of hugging and greeting and looking to see how everybody looks. Every year, I look at the young people and realize they have their own lives now. For twelve years, I have been watching them grown each year. When I look at their parents, I see how happy they are to have them home. I see their pride! 

We also have grandparents come in and every year they delight in seeing their families and many enjoying a little warmer weather for a while. 

At choir, we are working on special music – a little tougher than usual – to sing at our candlelit service. 

Where does “Black Friday” and Shopping Madness fit into this scenario? It doesn’t . . . not at all. 

Just have those Hershey’s kisses (wrapped in red and green foil) in the dish they remember. Have the decorations like you had them last time, and put out some extra chairs for the new members of the family. 

Make everything like they remember it because that’s what they’ve been thinking about when they booked their flights and planned their trips. Get lots of rest because you’re going to need plenty of energy to give those extra long hugs. Don’t forget the tissue box on a living room table. (Actually, Ava likes to pull the tissues out of the pop-up box now, so it’s not just for happy tears!) 

And, if you are working too long hours and run out of time, just do the sensible thing: order pizzas – two or three different kinds and sit back. 

Get rested up and stay away from the craziness. Your children and grandchildren can get a meal anywhere in the world – even in a mess hall or in the back of a Humvee – but they’re coming home to see you! Make it just like they have been remembering it!

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