Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day is Here!

The dream of Martin Luther King is reality.  

My neighbor is looking down from above and forgiving the bus driver who sent him to the back of the bus when he returned - in uniform - from serving his county. 

This is a baby step, a beginning, because one person, one night, one election, probably cannot make every change. 

If you do not live in the South, then you cannot begin to understand the suppression, the meanness, the oppression that has happened - even within my lifetime! (I can just barely believe the stories I have been told.)

There is a very old expression about walking in the other person's moccasins.

Barack Obama is President-Elect of the United States of America. He and his wife have worked hard to educate themselves. They have struggled.  They believe in family. They are not from elitist backgrounds - no, they have worked for everything they have achieved. They are a lot more like the average American than most presidential families have been.

God Bless America and God Bless Barack Obama.

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