Thursday, November 13, 2008

Get On Board!

If you go to, you can enter your e-mail address at the upper right corner and be part of President-Elect Barack Obama's transition to the White House.

You can find out what is going on and even apply for a job.

In an AP article this morning, it is stated that Peter Daou who ran Internet Operations for Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said that her campaign's Web outreach was limited by the fact that older people and lower-income people--demographic groups most supportive of the former first lady--weren't using the Internet for communications. 

It is indicated that Barack Obama will have to find ways to reach these people.

Now, I am a senior and Hubby & I and many of my friends definitely use the Internet for communicating every day! 

I can understand the comment about lower-income people and some seniors not using the internet.

I want to encourage everyone to go to this website and learn exactly what is being done to make changes before January 20th so if there is a crisis, President Barack Obama will be ready to act. 

For anyone who is discouraged over the results of the election, you need to get over that and move on. Many of us have contributed over the years to the Negro College Fund and have been encouraging African-Americans to become educated.

Well, Barack Obama is educated and so is his wife. He thinks extremely quickly and well on his feet, and has a sense of humor about his background. He knows who he is and where he came from. He has no misconceptions or delusions about that.

By using the Internet, he collected his campaign money - $5 by $5 and had money left over to buy time at the beginning of the World Series! You gotta love this!

If you are a senior and are reading this, then you already have computer smarts. Keep working at this and upgrade to DSL, if you have not already. (Everything is quicker and easier with DSL.) Encourage your senior friends to learn how to navigate the Internet. Some are already communicating via e-mail to family.  There are courses targeted to seniors at community colleges but perhaps it is time for retirement communities to have their own courses and help centers. 

We are in tough times that will require more than the fundamental wits used in the 30s such as having a back-up of canned goods in the  cupboards. (In hurricane country, we have those cans ready anyway!)

We need to speak up and write letters and be part of the government. We need a lot more than a few bandages to fix the economy this time!

The CEOs and executives who have - and apparently still are - lived live to the fullest extent at the expense of their stockholders need to be held accountable. If you read accounts of how these people are living and the property they own, you can see that limits must be imposed.

I think the bonus and packages (for entering and leaving a company) these people have been receiving are obscene. Surely some of you reading this agree with me, so I will go one step further and say what follows. If you have any investments such as stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds, then in reality you are "the boss" of the company where the CEO and other executives work. So, you do have a say. Write a letter to the company! If you are near where their annual meeting is held, attend it! Many companies now have meetings online - go there!

I hear sometimes about the American Way and control over companies would not be the American Way. 

Well, when companies ask the American Government to bail them out - or simply put, "Give us some money, we are out of money", then it becomes the American Way to tell them, 

You will have to pull your act together or you will be out of business!" (Think about a teenager going to his parents for some more money and you have the idea!)

I will not go any further, because I usually stay away from writing things to get people upset, but let me wind this down by saying:

Do you want the "American Way" (lots of freedom to make all of us broke) or do you want a good life where you have enough money to pay your bills, including a fine education for your children and their children so you can retire in peace and not have to watch the business channel on an hourly basis?

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