Thursday, November 27, 2008

Have a Family Day Today!

This picture is from last year with Ava and Daddy and a plate full of Thanksgiving fixings. I liked the various pictures from this day because all of a sudden, Ava was not really a baby anymore!

(Speaking of people we knew as babies - Carolyn Kennedy is 51 today. That puts our lives into perspective! )

We seniors try hard to learn to enjoy these special moments without thinking about our age, our pains, our mortality. Family is important to us and today we will gather at in-laws and of course, Ava will be there. As I have said before, I hope you have an Ava in your gathering!

Today - in United States - is a day to appreciate what we have and forget for just today the economy. We know very bad things are happening - today it is half-way round the globe from us as well as some at home. We try to keep up with world events, but we also know we will go crazy if we just sit in front of the tube.

For our Canadian friends - I know you enjoy the Macy's Parade which usually includes some of the Toronto Santa Claus Parade. I do remember Dad taking me down to UTS School to watch the parade from the principal"s office on Bloor Street. It was magic!

Yes, I know a lot of you will be watching football and lots of you will also fall asleep after all that beautiful food!

I want Ava to have some of this magic. For our friends and relatives in Cape BretonNova Scotia - she is getting a shirt from there today - that makes her a fisherman! She will LOVE it! For Ava's other GG I have a photo, framed - the one of Ava looking in the curio cabinet. It is on this blog in one of the old posts. She will LOVE that!

And Happy Thanksgiving to our Bush First Family - speedy recovery to Barbara who is in hospital in Houston after surgery for a perferated ulcer. Our Presidential Family are very family-oriented. I know the hospital will have a little treat for Barbara, my favorite baseball fan.

And Happy Thanksgiving to our newest First Family - The Obamas - 60 people will join them at their Chicago home for Potluck! Hope the girls have all their chores done! The Barbara Walters' interview yesterday was a very special insight into these extraordinary yet very real folks who will soon move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

May God Bless you with joy today and times to remember throughout the year.

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