Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reality on a Soap Opera! The Woodruff Foundation Shows The Way

Today on All My Children (ABC)  there will be an introduction of reality. I haven't watched soap operas in about 40 years. I have always felt that the everyday world holds lots of drama for me, but perhaps my life has been more interesting than some. 

Well, today, a man called JR - and that is not J.R. Ewing - will be introduced into the cast. He is a real person who has fought his way back from serious burns and injuries incurred in Iraq to try to live a normal life back home. The little clip I saw of him made me feel pretty good about this. Finally some real, solid material for viewers to learn how the real world is. The more people learn about real and less about posh, the closer we will be to fixing a lot of the things that are wrong these days!

Incidentally, the Woodruff Foundation has a hand in this - that's newsman Bob Woodruff and his wife!

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