Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another Beautiful Smile Gone

Many of us are in more of a routine that we like to admit. Perhaps it is a sign we are getting older, or even that we are older. 

Every Wednesday, I get my hair done at Mane Attraction on Frank Street in Lufkin. It is owned by a lady named Guesna and her daughter, Erika actually does my hair.  

(Erika’s hubby, John, his brother Mark and sister-in-law, Lacy, take care of Buddy the Lhasa’s hair . . .  so we keep it in the family.) 

I walk in there at 1:00 p.m. each Wednesday and say "Hello" to Audrey Dixon who was one of Guesna's first customers. 

The thing I first noticed when I met Audrey a few years ago is that her hair pretty much looks as good coming in as it does when she is leaving. She has good-textured white hair in what we used to call a pageboy. She has the kind of hair everyone wishes they had. She has relied on Guesna to keep her hair looking this way for lo these many years. 

Every week on Wednesday, after Audrey Dixon, it was June Arnett's turn. June, the widow of a doctor, always had a sweet smile for everyone.  She always had something nice to say. 

June's health had deteriorated these past few years and she was living at a retirement community.  Marion, a beautiful lady in her own right, was helping June each day these past few years. Every Wednesday, we would ask, 

“Is Mrs. A. coming today?” 

Some days she just was not well enough to come.  

The days June was able to come, Marion would assist her along the walk and up the two steps. Guesna would open the door for them and help them into the shampoo room.  

You see, Mane Attraction is a family. We know each other and worry about each other and help each other.  

Myself, I long ago stopped even looking to see what Erika is doing with my hair because she is so skilled at making it look its best. Why shouldn't I just chat to her and the others assembled there? 

Some weeks, I get to see our cousin, Kay Goodwin - a busy gal (mother of five) that we don't see very often.  

After I am finished, Linda Smelley is next and so we chat before it is time for Linda to get her hair shampooed and me to be on my way. Linda is Director of C.I.S.C. (Christian Information Services Center).  People who have fallen on tough times can go there to get food and other essentials they need.  

Yes, it is a special place, not like any other hair salon I have ever known. We are family! 

Today, I sort of wish I weren't going.   

June Arnett died yesterday at 2:00 p.m. 

So not Marion, her daughter, June, or even one of her sons will bring June up the path today. I know we will all be looking out the window like we usually do, watching for her. 

Every week, June would wear a smart blouse and tidy slacks and her best smile. She used to travel and we would hear about going to Ireland or into Houston to visit family. She had pretty jewelry she loved to wear.  

But mostly there was that special smile! It was a sweet, quiet smile and it was for everyone. 

In latter times, each of us made sure we went over to talk to June, to give her a compliment, and a hug.  Sometimes, I gave her a little kiss. Such a sweet lady! 

So, it’s time to get ready to go get my hair done. It’s time to realize that others will really miss June also.  

It’s also good to know that as we get older, there are people who genuinely like us – even love us.  It’s good to know they will be watching for us coming up the path so they can open the door and help us inside to be greeted by friends.

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