Saturday, December 13, 2008

Company Coming In For A Celebration? No Room For Them To Stay?

You know, every year we all have little problems over the holiday season. We juggle schedules to accommodate people coming in for the Holidays.

We try to find just the right gift for every person, some of whom we may not know so well.

Then there is the card writing and the gift wrapping, the decorating outside and in.

Where is everyone going to stay? Ah, yes. Exactly where is everyone going to stay?

On a different train of thought, most of us have moved our homes. When I lived in Canada, we used to generally close the sale of the old house and the new house on the same day. When I sold real estate, I was generally very busy from January to March with closings at the end of the school year in June. School commenced in September, so the families were settled in long before the children started their new schools. It is pretty common for families to want to be ready for their children to start school. Nothing odd about that.

Well, there's this family moving from Chicago to Washington and I know their girls have to begin school on January 5th, but their new home won't be ready for them till January 20th.

I kind of think that someone did make arrangements for them to come in a couple of days before the 20th of January when they are to attend a celebration of the hubby/father becoming President of the United States.

Now, I have to tell you that for me at this time of the year, the expression "no room at the inn" came to mind. I'm not going to tell you that Barack Obama is quite that important, but, you know, I really think some hotel could make a floor available for the incoming President so the girls could start school at the beginning. I am asking for a floor because we would like some room for the secret service and some staff.

I could suggest that someone who has a big RV or maybe even a tour bus . . . yes, that's it, Aaron Tippin's Tour Bus . . . that would be perfect!

No wonder, our country is in such bad shape! People just have no idea how to adapt to a situation!

I mention Aaron Tippin's Tour Bus because it is nice and large and there is a trailer on the back and Aaron seemed like such a nice guy when we met him this summer in Tennessee at a Cracker Barrel.

If we can't solve the little problems, how are we going to solve the big ones?

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