Thursday, December 11, 2008

East Texas Snow: Old Friends, New Friends & Snowboots!

Well, there is comfort in having friends you have known a long time. As I age, I hear them calling me "old friend" a little more often. Is that because I am getting older? Where did the time go? Is it possible Frank Hilliard got older?

Welcome to readers - like Sean McAllister who sent some of his snow down to Texas! That was such a kind gesture, Sean - and Merry Christmas to you also!

Each time we have cold weather, the local weathermen always talk about a Canadian cold front. Hmm . . . Blame it on Canada!

I may well be the only person in East Texas with bone fide snowboots in my closet! Yes, yes, we were preparing to attend our niece's wedding in the Detroit area six years ago in November. As I do not do that area without snowboots, I acquired a pair from a local Payless Shoe Store for under $10. One assumes they were not selling well here . . .

I do still have them . . . and I am not afraid to wear them, so beware! (Of course, there are no mats or proviso for removing them once inside in the foyers of Angelina County! Hmm . . . a way to increase the economy in East Texas - selling boot trays, mats and snowshovels.

Uh, oh, didn't I come here to get away from all that?

Global warming indeed! Bah Humbug!

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