Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In With The New!

In With The New! That's what we care about here in East Texas and probably everywhere in North America for sure!

We have to let go of 2008 with a weak wave of the hand and get on with fixing, cleaning and getting rid of old messes. The old expression, "No use crying over spilled milk" surely applies today!

The media is full of all the bad stuff that has happened during 2008. I think we all have that quite memorized. We must move on!

We need to go to the supermarket and pick up our very favorite snacks and watch the TV New Year programs. This year, there is one person who will be very busy indeed! That would be the person at CNN who will have his/her finger on the bleep button. I think that person has about a 7 second delay to clean it up. Anderson Cooper (Anderson Cooper 360) will have Kathy Griffin joining him this year. That will be interesting . . .

Dick Clark will make his usual appearance as the ball drops in Times Square. We all like to see this man, even if he is not able to do all he used to, because he reminds us of the great years gone by when we celebrated with him. Of course, we have to remember also his wonderful American Bandstand Show on weekday afternoons. (I have a friend here who actually used to go down to American Bandstand in Philadelphia! I was impressed!)

By now, you well know that I am a nostalgia and trivia buff. I do like to think at least a bit about the "good old days" which this year, truly do seem just that!

Also, of course, tonight is the night that we take pen and paper and mark down all those things we know we should try to do next year - tomorrow plus.

Special Blessings to the new administration here in the U.S. because they will have to work 24/7 to get things back and put a few smiles on the taxpayers, and stockholders and - for the last time this year - Joe - yup - "Joe Six Pack".

By the way, he used to be Champagne Sherman until he could only afford to split a 6 pack of beer
in 2008!

Happy, Happy New Year 2009 and may you and yours have many blessings, Good Health and Prosperity!

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