Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Joy of Christmas Wrapping

Uh, oh . . . didn't I say I should toss this paper last year? It's thin and it rips just when the package is about wrapped.

Hum . . . where is that cap for Meghan? It's not with the unwrapped and it's not with the wrapped.

Square boxes are really hard to wrap!

There were three rolls of Scotch tape here a minute ago . . .

I should have bought more gift sacks.

Yes, this is the last year I'm using wrapping paper . . . too much like work!

Hmm . . . why is the tissue paper so small I have to use two sheets just to line the box?

Uh, oh - Pink for Meghan, Green for Meghan?

Let's just put this stuffed Teddy for Ava up really high where Buddy can't find it!

Oh, oh . . . that was the garbage bag, Keith . . .

There really isn't enough room to wrap stuff . . . funny though, we have the dining table and two other tables set up.

Are we disorganized? Did we buy enough? Did we buy too much? Is this the right color?

Yes, yes, we are wrapping and so, probably are you. No matter how much preparation goes into it all, well, Christmas gifting is a tough job.

How does Santa do it, year after year, after year? Mrs. Claus and the Elf's, of course!

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