Saturday, December 6, 2008

Pickel Barrel Wisdom, Swiss Chalet Catch-up

Some days, perhaps on a weekend, we do not have so many things we are obliged to do. Wouldn't that be a good time to spend some time with family or to call someone you haven't seen for a while?

Life is so hectic now for just about everybody that we tend to lose contact with families at a distance, and old friends.

As we come up to Christmas, we tend to think about more people that we don't see all time time, particularly as we write Christmas cards.

Even in your own town, there are probably people you just haven't seen for a while. What about calling them up and asking them to meet you for lunch next Thursday?

Life is going to happen anyway, so you need to step out and make it happen a little more special!

A year ago July, we were going to be in Cleveland, Ohio to see Keith's sister, Louise. We had that arranged that for some time.

Then, Judy in Port Hope, Ontario was to have some serious surgery. So, I said to Keith, that it didn't used to take long to drive from Cleveland to Toronto. (It didn't seem to take as long, a few years ago.)

We went to Swiss Chalet with Judy and her family - her granddaughter, Charlotte and grandson, William. William always calls me Martha in Texas. I like to keep up with how he is doing so his Grandmother sends lots of photos of everyone.

Well, then I thought about my friend, Belinda in Toronto. Hmm . . . if I asked her, would she and her husband meet us for lunch as we drove through?

Well, they did. Yes they did. We met at the Pickle Barrel on Leslie Street, not far off the 401 Highway. We had a wonderful time! We took photos and we laughed and we just had a grand time.

That September, Belinda had a stroke and in January of this year, Belinda died. My friend of 48 years was gone! I have such good thoughts about that day at the Pickle Barrel!

And Judy - she's fine, thank you! And we'll see her again come spring.

And Louise, she's doing very well, and waiting for Christmas to see her first great-grandchild again. We saw her again this spring and we scrapbooked some more photos. And we'll do that again come spring.

Take a little more control of how your life goes by picking up the phone and calling someone and making an arrangement to see them if it's possible.

Life happens - that's true - but we can make it happen a little nicer, not just for us but for all those around us.

Have a fine Sunday!

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