Sunday, December 14, 2008

37 Days to the Crawford Ranch

As you probably know, President George W. Bush visited Iraq this weekend. The photo above shows him ducking one of two size 10 shoes thrown at him.

Not everyone feels George W. has been a good president. It is good for us to pause and realize that not every president had to endure 9-11. I still like to remind people that not only is this man a born-again Christian, he is a reformed alcoholic. This is a man of strong character who has overcome weakness. This is a gentle man who loves his country and has respect for all Americans.

Let us all pray that George W. and Laura make it back to their Crawford, Texas ranch to enjoy life again. (Yes, I know they have purchased a home in Dallas, but I think you'll find them most of the time at the ranch.)

Way to go on the ducking, Mr. President - all the baseball has paid off!

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