Thursday, April 9, 2009

With Increased Following Comes Greater Responsibility! KTRE-TV - Lufkin/Nacogdoches Following Me???

Today has been a busy one. We all have busy days - nothing so unusual about that. So, I got a bit tired and had a real afternoon nap. After that, Hubby and I were off to the Maundy Thursday Service - the service that celebrates the Last Supper of Our Lord. It's a very moving and sad service. Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherans held services tonight.

Still feeling pretty somber, I did not come immediately to my computer. No . . . we had a little snack, caught up on general news on the TV. Here I am now, writing today's blog.

The first message that I saw was from Sharon who said she was crying while reading about our two little girls whose hearts are not quite right - her daughter and our great-granddaughter. I was thrilled that Sharon liked that blog. I know everyone is indeed praying for Kyla and Sarah.

As a writer, I know that if I evoke emotion, I have done my job. You who read me know I pretty much avoid controversy and even try to make you laugh some of the time.

As a person, I have pretty much the same worries and fears we all have - or perhaps I worry more than most. I like to do my best.

Well, here comes some major responsibility!

I am on Facebook and I am on Twitter. With Twitter, I try to keep up with the news, the weather, the interesting stuff happening everywhere. I tend to read a lot on Twitter and generally I mention that I have posted my blog and what it is about. I say "Good Morning" and I say "Good Night". I do follow a few individuals as well.

A Newfoundlander (a man, not a dog) found me the other day and confirmed that I knew a Lhasa Breeder in St.John's who was his school teacher in Grade Nine! Hmmm - made me feel a little old.

I really enjoy Facebook and have been able to get caught up with a few people I knew through selling Avon a few years ago or from my Physical Therapy, or from the Lufkin Daily newspaper. Facebook is nice and casual and right now I am following my sister-in-law and niece's travels to Singapore and beyond. So I have old friends, a few relatives and new friends.

Today, our local television station, KTRE sent a message that they are following me on Twitter! Hmm. Now the bar is raised.

KTRE caught us one Valentine's Day, at Election time, when I became a citizen . . . hmm . . . what am I doing now that is really interesting?

I see they have a person now in charge of their website. I get a lot of updates from their website, generally after first seeing a prompt on Twitter.

So, well, that means, if they like some topic I'm writing about . . . guess they will come here and see what I am on about tonight.

How we communicate and how we get our news is changing. I try to make good use of the computer to know what is going on and then make up my mind as to what I'd like to investigate further.

As for social networking, well, as I've said, I've made new friends and found older ones. I used to do a lot of letter writing and I know people really enjoy getting real mail but it is very time consuming not to mention the increasing postal rates. Even more, especially to Canada, regular mail takes a long time. On the computer, news is instant! (Yes, I know that's more stressful, that that is how life is lived these days and we seniors hate to fall behind!)

One person has already done a magazine article on social networking and she put me in there. It was a good article even if she did refer to me as a senior! I really don't mind that because I like for people to know that Hubby and I try to keep up with current things. (You have that point, now - don't you?)

Well, KTRE - welcome to my followers on Twitter. Of course, this means that I will have to raise the bar to make my posts interesting for you to want to see!

Now, KTRE - you just keep those Weather Forecasts and News Bulletins coming to my Twitter and my e-mail inbox.

By the way, later this week, if you think you see a pretty, dimpled news reporter with long black hair who lives in Raleigh now, you are not seeing things . . . she'll be here in Lufkin for a few days. She'll probably be checking out some of our great restaurants. Just remember to say, "Hi Jessica!"

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