Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We Will Pray For The Children

(Children Playing On The Beach . . . Mary Cassat)

Children should be carefree. Girls should be able to play and imagine and talk to their dolls. Boys pretend they are cowboys. I don't know much about cowboys but I do know about dolls and how much, as an only child, my dolls meant to me. I would dress them and talk to them and pretend they were real people. One was Beth and one was Sally.

I had a little car that I could pedal down the sidewalk with my feet. My hair was blond and Mother put little barrettes to keep it out of my eyes. There were no worries.

Pretty dresses and lovely big hair bows . . . that's what little girls should have. They have pretty pink bedrooms and parents who love them! There's a table to draw on and crayons and markers and singing and dancing and pretending whatever they want. They should play hopscotch and watch cartoons.

So, why are two little girls - both little more than four - why are they going to hospitals tomorrow? Why are their hearts not as healthy as we wish they would be?

Why are their parents looking so sad? They just want the best for their girls - to be healthy and happy. See how the parents put on a smile and look for something special to do with them?

Now the children are in bed and the Mothers are crying. They wonder why this is happening. It seemed like their daughter was doing so well . . . what has gone wrong? Did we do everything we could?

So, you and I pray and ask our friends to pray. Children are God's precious gift to us and most of us get to raise them and then we get to watch their children and perhaps even their children . . .

Why do things go wrong? Why do bad things happen to innocent little children?

You know and I know that we have no answer for this.

We know we have to place these children in God's hands and we pray that he will guide the doctors so they can use their skills to help these little girls to health.

Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the world . . . When you can barely speak, try to hum this wonderful hymn everyone knows. Then pray some more for Kyla and Sarah.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Martha, I am crying right now. I just got on your blog. YOu are so precious! Thank you so much. I am praying for Kyla. Waiting for an update. Love, Sharon