Monday, April 20, 2009

Anybody Can Change - Even Humans!

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So, if you looked at my Fido and Fifi blog today, you are saying to yourself . . . "Hmm. . . seems similar". There's a first time for everything and I thought I'd write on the same topic for both blogs today.

So, you see, a dog changes from when we first bring him home as a puppy, or in the case of Buddy, at ten months. We humans can change and do change all the time . . . hopefully for the better.

The photo above is at the wonderful citizenship party we had after I passed my test with 100%! Now, I didn't really change because I had my American Citizenship as well as Canadian (yes, we can have dual). We are going to Canada in two weeks and everyone up there says I have a Texas accent. Hmmm. One gal saw me in person last week and she hadn't seen me since the Charlie Wilson's War Premier here. She said she had forgotten I had an accent - eh? I guess I will always have that!

What has changed me, and probably you, over the years has to do with events just like that one. About 150 people came and went that night and the Lufkin Community Band played for us. It was a super time! Friends helped with the food and decorations and everybody had a wonderful time!

Every time we make a new friend we have the potential to change - for better or for worse. I have to stop sometimes and just think how many friends - really wonderful ones - I have made since coming to East Texas over 12 years ago.

In order to make friends, we have to reach out. Sometimes we will be hurt but not too often! We must be willing to take a few chances in life to find out what our true potential is.

When I came here, I found life very different from what I had known in Ontario all my life. I was odd person out. I had a lot of new ways to learn, new foods to eat and new friends to find. Some friends I have made have been at church. We have a really friendly church and now I find myself, an old-timer, reaching out to new people who have moved in to the area. In fact, I have made friends at Mane Attraction because I go there the same time every week. Some friends are writers. Some friends are scrappers (you know - people who scrapbook).

Another way in which I have changed is weight. I was about 65 lbs. heavier when I came here than what I am now. I will always struggle with that. I check in with Richard Simmons all the time and try to eat properly and exercise. Richard is always working with people to help them change. Of course, we have to want to change our appearance and stick to it.

It makes a huge difference in our lives who our significant other is and how well they treat us. I am very blessed with Hubby Keith because he is a person who is kind, loving, gentle and sees everyone in their best light.

Because we try to keep up with the times, what is going on all around, Hubby and I probably evolve better than some people.

Both of us are on Facebook now and we can really keep up with friends and family that way. We try to be part of present times and enjoy life.

Hope you have had a blessed day and keep on being a cheerleader for yourself. There is nothing we can't do if we really put our mind to it!

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