Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Remember The Name: Scott McIntyre

Haven't followed American Idol other than what I read about winners like Carrie Underwood who is doing so well. There are a few others who I know have either competed or won the contest but this round is the first time I have been watching and following to any degree.

I think everyone is taken by Scott McIntyre. He is a melodic singer and very attractive. He also plays the piano and (as we learned last night) guitar. He comes across as a very gentle person and that may be a problem for today.

Scott is blind but one soon learns he does not "use" his impairment but rather tries to make you forget it. Last night in his endeavor to show his versatility, he did play the guitar, standing - not sitting on a stool - and he played it fine. The problem was that in his endeavor to make us see him as "unimpaired" and standing alone in the middle of a stage, he steps out of his comfort zone. In doing that, I think Scott - who picked a song I did not know with a few high notes to reach - did not reach those notes very well. I know from my own singing - pretty much limited to church choir and duets with Hubby - that I have to be relaxed and comfortable to easily reach the high notes.

I didn't think Scott was truly comfortable last night and did not sing as smoothly as he usually does. Last week, he was superb and the panel felt so too. He was at the piano which he has played since he was very young and was totally at ease.

Although they tell us to stretch ourselves to do better, perhaps last night was not the night to do that. Scott should have stuck with what made the judges happy last week.

If I were in the biz, I would pick up Scott in a New York minute because he is just so very pleasant as well as being attractive and low-key. I am sure someone will retain him and I think he will do very well.

Let's hope so because we need a few nice ballads and a little melody in our lives. Good luck to you, Scott!


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