Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Precious Gift From God

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Here is another precious gift from God, our great-granddaugther, Kyla. As you can see, she is very attractive and at 4-1/2 she can conduct a pretty intelligent conversation. We don't get to see her as often as we'd like, but we sure do think about her and her little sister every day.

Children are a special gift from God and as such deserve our respect, care and prayers. We pray that they will be safe from harm. We pray they will grow wise - smart, if you will - and have a fine, happy life. Kyla will do well in life because she has such a special and sweet manner about her. She doesn't care the brand name or how much it cost, just that you brought it for her! She greets you as royalty! She smiles and loves to run, jump and skip.

First, Kyla has to jump some hurdles. She got over one last week where the doctors put in a temporary fix to help her. The day after tomorrow, Kyla goes back to the cardiac people with the training and skill to help her have a more normal heart.

We have been asking everyone to pray for Kyla and of course, that includes her medical team and her family.

One friend said she was, ". . . Praying the touch of God's hands, through those of the surgeons, the nurses and all who attend her; for quick healing and strengthening of her, mind, body and spirit, and Him to sustain her parents and grandparents."

Beautiful! How blessed we are to have friends like that!

We don't know why children are sick. We are told adversities strengthen us. It just always seems a little harder to understand that a child could be born so sick. I know. And I have friends who know this too.

We take each day - one day at a time - and when, as in Kyla's case, we are told that this must be done today, we pray.

We feel a little calmer knowing we have so many people pulling for this beautiful child of God, so precious, so special. Please pray for Kyla - and may God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

when you mentioned this in chat tonight, I'm sorry I didn't respond. Please know that your little one and your family will be in my prayers. Please keep us updated!

Sharon said...

Dear Martha,

I especially feel compelled to pray for this darling child. My child is the same age and we are also going through some of the same trials with her heart. What is her diagnosis? Sarah has double outlet right ventricle and has had 4 heart surgeries so far and will have another cath and an open heart surgery this year as well. I always feel so strongly to pray for children with these problems. If you would like, I would love for Sarah and Jason to make her a card to send her in the mail. If you could email me her address, we'd love to! I know every child is a precious gift from God, but I feel a tug at my heart for the little ones with special hearts. Kyla and her family are in our prayers. Keep us posted on her progress, please.

Sincerely, Sharon Swan