Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Value Of Just Showing Up!

Had a note on Twitter the other day from a fellow who was heading for a memorial service for a child of a friend.

His friend will never forget that he was there.

Yes, it is terrible to go to a memorial or funeral for a child. I know because my own two children both died in infancy. I have never forgotten those people who came.

Sometimes - a lot of times - as we go through life, we have to step outside of - as they say - our comfort zone.

Hubby Keith and I try to "show up" when someone has lost a loved one, when someone is sick or might like a visit. I know a lot of people who also make sure they get there when someone needs them.

You might be surprised how much just showing up counts in your life. I think the percent was put at 95% by a person not otherwise known for pithy sayings.

So, next time you see that someone you know is perhaps just needing a hug or a pat on the back, do be the one who shows up!

You'll feel good about yourself, even if the event was not a happy one and the other person will remember you always!


Anonymous said...

I just love this post! You are absolutely right--there is tremendous value in just showing up!!!

my2centworth said...

hits me between the eyes.