Sunday, April 12, 2009


Please pray for Kyla!

Children are precious gifts from God. Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me." We know this. So, it is so very hard for us to understand why a child would be sick . . . very sick.

Our precious Kyla has had heart surgery and now she is not communicating well.

Please pray for Kyla and ask your friends to pray for Kyla. Please put Kyla on your prayer list.

Why does God let little children be sick? We don't know. We may know some time. Or, we may never know.

When we hear of a child being very sick, we feel a lot of emotions. Because I had two very sick little children - and lost both of them to congenital disorders - I know that this evokes every emotion we can imagine.

We cannot govern how others feel about something as serious as this. Someone has to be to blame, right? So, would that be God? How can our God, a good God, a loving God let these things happen?

Why were my children born sick? Why did my children die? All these years, there really has been no really sensible answer for me.

When I go, will I see those children - Carrie & Robbie? We don't know. You don't know. I don't know. Maybe. Perhaps. And by the time we know, we won't be able to communicate it back to our families.

While we are alive, we can only guess, wonder, contemplate why bad things happen to good people. And they do . . . all the time, every day!

Is our life a major test? Are obstacles to happiness put in our path so we can learn? While we are on earth, we cannot answer that.

I cannot possible answer to her mother why Kyla is sick . . . very sick. With age comes some wisdom and some knowledge, but we never truly learn all the answers.

What we do learn is that we truly have very little control over a lot of things that happen to us. We try to make good choices as much as we can, but every time someone is very very sick, we see how little control we truly have over our destiny.

So, we try to be as kind to everyone as we can. For tomorrow is promised to no one.

Blessings to all, especially all who are grieving or have someone they love very ill.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Oh, Martha....I am so sad to read this blog post. I have been praying for Kyla. Bless her heart. Literally. Please, please keep us posted. She is in our prayers day and night! Love, The Swans