Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Leon Hale Doesn't Use Pictures!

Those of you who read this blog regularly must sense that I enjoy writing it!

Sometimes I use pictures and I have a feel that in general people like the pictures. The old saw is that a picture is worth a thousand words and I often think that inserting a photo adds to the blog.

One reason I started the Fido and Fifi blog was that every time I wrote about dogs, I had a good volume of readers. Some people told me they really enjoyed the pictures of the dogs even if they didn't know a lot about dogs.

Well, Hubby has asked about the pictures and commented that Leon Hale does not use pictures.

Hmm . . . you gotta love that Hubby even thinks that I am doing something similar to what Leon Hale does!

Now, those of you up on Yonge Street - in Canada, that is - just may not know about Leon Hale. Mr. Hale writes a blog that is posted on the Houston Chronicle website. He also has a website and has written about eight books. What if I told you Leon Hale has written a column for the Chronicle for 20+ years and before that, wrote a column for the Houston Post for 32 years? No flash in the pan, this man!

What does Leon Hale write about? He writes about what he knows and what he lives and lots of everyday stuff.

There is a link to the right of this column - just scroll down and you can go to Mr. Hale's blog today. He wrote about backing over his Dell laptop with his pickup truck! There you go . . . doesn't get any more ordinary or homey than that! Of course, I'm going to make you go to his blog to find out what happened to the computer!

Now, I do feel obliged to tell you that you will at least find a photo of Mr. Hale at his blog, but no, he doesn't use any photo service or post any photos of his grandchildren like I do. I guess if I had been continuously writing a column as long as he has, I wouldn't do that to get your attention either!

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