Friday, April 10, 2009

"Crucify Him!" - Matthew 27: 22 - Good Friday, Saddest Day In The Christian Calendar

I have never understood or been given an explanation of why today is called, "Good Friday". It is in fact, the saddest day in the Christian calendar. This is the day when Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross that we might live. This is why the Cross became the universal symbol of Christianity.

When you read the biblical account of Jesus' last day, you have to wonder why he was not saved. Think of people casting lots for Jesus' clothes! Truly He was treated as a "common criminal".

The pain must have been beyond what any of us has felt. Jesus was dangling from wrists nailed to that cross. Think of the humiliation of being hung with common thieves in full view of all! Imagine being so thirsty and handed a sour drink.

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" So, for a brief moment, Jesus - just like one of us - wondered why God would let this happen.

Then, think about how much he suffered that Christians might live on and worship God as we choose. Unlike most stories, we are privileged to know that Jesus will rise again on Sunday. Yes, we will again visit that empty borrowed tomb at Sunrise on Eastern Morning.

What a beautiful day that will be . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Martha, your words are so profound and true. This IS the saddest day of the year. Yet, when we reflect on what you have shared, we can also say this day is the day of the greatest demonstration of love. Thank you for this beautiful post. Thank God Sunday is coming... and what a day of rejoicing that will be!