Monday, June 29, 2009

Wasting Time Perhaps?

In this morning's paper there was a report on the widened gap between younger and older generations. People are living longer and I think many of us are keeping up with the times quite well. I was surprised at the stats they gave especially for computer use because I know a lot of seniors who use computers and use them very well.

I have written before about how much I feel younger people can learn from older people and I wonder if they just do not have the time . . . or make the time to spend time with their grandparents and other seniors. I still believe strongly that young people can learn from older people. History tends to repeat itself and we can see that. We know that. So, is it not logical that if you listen to experiences of older people, you will learn?

Why is it that younger people don't spend more time with seniors?

I think a lot of people . . . including us seniors . . . waste time. So, it's not that we don't have the time, it's that we waste too much of it.

Time is one commodity you cannot get back. If you spend time talking about drivel or gossiping about someone, you have just wasted some time.

If you watch less than best television programming, you have wasted time.

If you stay up too late, you may have wasted time, but also you have spoiled your chances for a good day the next day.

We need to budget our time so we can take an hour or two to just sit down and chat with someone.

I think almost all seniors make themselves available and welcome visits from younger people. So, are younger people really that busy that they cannot take out an hour to visit?

More likely, they are wasting time on things that are just not meaningful. They worry about things that are not worth it. They spend time with people who are not worth it.

Many young people do not realize how smart, pretty or witty they really are. They should set aside a couple of hours a week to visit with family, neighbors or friends and I think they would feel pretty good about themselves and the world when they left to go back home! Hey, if they visit at the right time, they might get a fine meal as well!

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