Friday, June 5, 2009

Advantages Of Being A Great-Grandparent!

Since my cough was gone, Ava was able to come and visit last evening. She is a little more than two and she can string words together extremely well. Of course, this means, everyone has to be careful what is said in her presence! She can draw and drew an apple for us which she identified very coherently.

All right, all right - so your granddaughter can do all this too . . .

This is a great season for me mostly because I have missed seeing a little girl go through various stages - delightful and probably if you are her Mother and with her all the time, perhaps sometimes not!

She left a little scribble on my daily quotation calendar which has been around a long time. See? Stuff like that has been missing from my life! I like to have reminders of Ava!

Ava and Grandpa Keith & Grandma Martha have a special bonding and a loving relationship, mostly because of her Mother. Mother knows just about when to pick Ava up and take her out to her car seat in the SUV for the ride back to her house!

Ah, the advantages and privileges of being a great-grandparent!

And . . . should let you know that Kyla Jayne is doing very well. Many people were asking about her in Toronto and Port Hope. They were all praying for her. We will be seeing Kyla and her sister, Alexis is August in Iowa!

Very importantly: Please pray for our friends, Sarah and her family today. Sarah is four and a half and she will be having heart surgery in Houston this afternoon.
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1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Hi there-- loving your blog! I'm going to give you a link at my blog at and also would like to invite you to join the Grandparent Bloggers group on Blog Catalog: