Thursday, June 11, 2009

Let's Have Family Dinner At Home More Often!

There is something special about a family sitting around the table having dinner together. I don't necessarily mean for a special occasion like Thanksgiving or Christmas. Jewish families typically come together on Friday evenings. They have dinner at Mom's and discuss the week and what they might want to share with their family. For Jewish people, at dusk on Friday, the Sabbath (Holy Day) begins. It's a nice tradition.

Because our lives are busier - or so it seems these days - why not just bring home some food and set it out in nice dishes on the table with settings for everyone. Perhaps someone else could bring the dessert or you might even try for potluck-style where everyone brings a little something.

It is a warm feeling to be together on one of the weekend days just to chat. It's a good feeling knowing family still care for one another and that problems can be discussed. When you talk something over, it seems to be a little easier to handle. Hopefully, there will be some good news to share as well as problems.

Surely we haven't forgotten what FAMILY is all about! Surely there is still some calm and perhaps even some wisdom to be passed from one to another.

Maybe we should try sitting down to dinner together - not at a restaurant but at home - more often!

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