Sunday, June 28, 2009

Keeping Current And Staying Cool and Calm!

Hubby and I like to know what is happening in the world and in our own area. We are constantly surprised by people who do not keep current.

We think that keeping up on the news and also knowledgeable about new products and trends helps to keep our minds active.

We can't imagine how people can not at least turn on the news once or twice a day. Can't imagine not reading a paper - a real one or one online.

Ignorance is not bliss but sometimes an overload of the same news can be really disturbing.

This week we have the death of Michael Jackson overtaking the news. At times like this, it is good to get the story and then head for some distractions. When we first started to see the Stock Market crater, I had a list of diversions so we would not go crazy.

TCM (Turner Classic Movies), DVDs of movies we didn't see at the theater, books, music and magazines are all good distractions.

What about a game of cards? What about a board game?

We happen to be in the middle of a major heatwave here in southeast Texas so I am not thinking of any outdoor activities for us. Some of you up north are talking about your gardens and some of you are picking the first berries of the season. You could have lots of outdoor activities to distract you. Of course, you need to have a few gadgets to keep the bugs and insects at bay.

(Let us never forget that it is always something! There just is no truly perfect life.)

Don't forget about calling a shut-in or an old friend. Some of us watch some of the sporting events . . . there is always some sport to watch.

Some days, I set aside a few hours to scrapbook and it is lovely and cool in the crop room where I go.

Some of us have some de-cluttering to do and this would be just the time to sit - by a fan, of course - with a box of old things to sort. Each week I try to toss away just a few more things. There is a certain amount of calm to be achieved from a tidy environment.

So, I wish you some calm today and lots of blessings to count!

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