Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Flag Day 2009!

Perhaps because I became an American Citizen about five years ago, I am pretty aware of the various patriotic days.

I know I told my readers about someone stealing our flag a few months back - probably President's Day. We went to a back-up flag and I am afraid it will have to be replaced. It has got caught on the eaves a couple of times and now it is torn.

Exactly when do the stores put flags on sale? Exactly when is a good time to purchase a flag and at which store? I'm thinking Hobby Lobby or Wal-Mart?

I do have a story which can be told now.

Back when Hubby and I were working on all the requirements and knowledge I needed to pass my citizenship, we consulted an "immigration specialist". We noticed the flag flying at her home was tattered. We purchased one for her and left it between her doors one day.

We soon found out that Hubby was the best Immigration Specialist I could have and moved on to our goal without this lady.

I wonder if she ever figured out who might have replaced her flag?

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