Saturday, March 21, 2009

Out Of The Loop?

One thing I do have difficulty with is people who do not watch their local TV news or read a local newspaper. Even scanning the website of your TV station or newspaper will give you the highlights of what is going on!

Why wouldn't you want to know if someone was robbed down the block from you? Don't you want to be able to join in any general conversations about current events?

Wouldn't you like to know if there was a murder committed and it involved people you had met or known?

How can you know what outfit to wear tomorrow if you have not seen a weather forecast?

What if you ate something that was reported to cause illness just because you didn't hear about it?

What if a road was closed and you didn't know and so you were late for your appointment or for work?

Wouldn't it be nice to know that there was going to be a show, a luncheon, a meeting you would enjoy - before it happens, so you could attend?

It's nice to read someone else's opinion of something to enlarge your perspective of an event.

And if a hurricane was forecast for three days hence, wouldn't you want to stock up on a few things so you and your family could be comfortable and safe during the storm?

It's nice to know what is going on in your community, the world, new ways of doing things so when you are with a group, you can contribute and be a part of the conversation.

I cannot imagine Hubby or me not knowing what is going on around us, in our area, in our country and in the world! Why would anyone want to be isolated in times when it is so easy to access current knowledge?

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