Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Martha, Mary and Lazarus

Last year, our Pastor Paul wrote beautiful scripts for various of us to portray characters of the Bible, in particular those who would enlighten us during Lenten Season.

Last year, I was honored to play my namesake, Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus. I practiced it and was not nervous up at the podium. What I was to say had been written well. At the end of my presentation, one of our members stopped me to tell me how much better he now understood those characters.

Now, that picture does not show me as I like to be seen around town, but it shows that I wore an apron - Martha spent a lot of time in her kitchen - and of course, a shawl on my head, and a long, plain, black dress.

Martha truly loved Jesus and enjoyed making him feel comfortable whenever he was in their home. Just like today, Martha complained that her sister, Mary spent too much time socializing and not enough working in the kitchen.

Their brother, "Laz" is the one Jesus raised from the dead. We mention the nervousness of waiting for Jesus to come to heal him from his sickness and the tears he also shed when he arrived too late. So, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

These are characters that most of us are familiar with and it helps us during this Lenten Season to trace the steps to Jesus' Crucifixion, being sealed with a rock in a borrowed tomb and wonderful rising on the third day - Easter!

The story about today? Well, Pastor didn't tell me I would be portraying Martha again this year and I just found out this morning!

Busy day today because I want to get Martha just right! Have a blessed day!

John 11:1 - 12:19 The Death of Lazarus, Jesus Comforting Martha & Mary; Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead.

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