Sunday, March 22, 2009

Keeping in Touch With The President

On Tuesday evening (March 24th), rather than watching American Idol, we will be able to watch President Barack Obama's Prime Time Press Conference.

There is debate as to whether we are seeing too much of the President these days.

No President since John F. Kennedy has mesmerized the population, perhaps the world, as Barack Obama is doing.

On a 20/20 interview this evening, Steve Kroft seemed to be rather uneasy. He questioned the President's laughter. It seems to me that if the President is not laughing, he surely would be crying because his days are long and full of decisions - all of them big.

As the President pointed out, if it is not a BIG decision, it doesn't come to him; someone else makes it!

We are in times that will surely be discussed into the future - forever. At the very least, we definitely need some change.

I personally like seeing the President as often as we do. It helps me knowing that he is all the time working to pull things back together.

You don't have to have voted for this man to know he is bright, quick-witted and working for the American public every day.

One really good Presidential remark I would like to repeat in case you did not see tonight's interview, is that people who live in New York City need to go somewhere else and take a look at what is happening in other parts of the country. That is a very true statement. In the "big city" real estate is very expensive and salaries are higher than in smaller communities. Neighbors do not know one another and people are isolated. Many things go unnoticed.

The executives in all banks, trust, insurance companies - all corporations - make major decisions every day, no matter where they are but most do not expect major bonuses for doing their jobs. I always felt that if you did a good job, you got to keep your job; if you did not - you were fired! Pretty simple concept, but apparently we are dealing with some other mentality. We, the taxpapers, are a party to bonusing people who did a bad job! What is wrong with this picture?

Why were these executives expecting to be rewarded for bad behavior, or poor performance? The "common" man is a lot smarter that some people think he is and I believe Mr. Obama is very aware of this. Hopefully some of these executives will be returning these bonuses - one way or another. It is time that lack of performance means you must give up your mansion and come into reality. Technically, American citizens are the boss of these people now.

Do remember that if you want to know what is current, you can go to the government website.

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