Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe The Plumber - Joe Six Pack - Joe Politician

I seem to recall politicians in the past at least trying to get a grasp on some real people and even in recent years, they have talked about “Ed Kowazak and his family of St. Paul, Minnesota.” They would go on to tell you about how Ed had recently lost his job because a mill had closed down, or something the audience could relate to.

Well, Sarah Palin took to talking about Joe Six-Pack and last night both Messrs Obama and McCain were apparently talking about Joe the Plumber in Ohio. (Sorry, we were at a meeting and got back about 20 minutes into the debate.)

If you have been following the story, you know that Joe’s name is not even Joe! Today, we find out that maybe Joe the Plumber isn’t exactly even a plumber!

That’s really too bad, you know. I could have introduced them to our plumber, Mike Stephenson, who has a fleet of pink trucks (because it’s his wife’s favorite color). Of course, he bought the company from Mr. Hill who just recently retired so it is called Hill Plumbing. And he really is a plumber! And he’s friendly, his prices are fair and he cleans up before he leaves.

I am not so sure we like being referred to as Joe Six-Pack! That would be Mr. Joe, the Voting Public, to you, Ms. Palin.

Do these politicians not even have people on staff to go out there and find out a little bit about people who might be interested in voting for them? Do they not think to invite these people to sit with their wives in the audience? Not too creative, Joe Politician!

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