Monday, October 6, 2008

Economics 101: There will always be frivolity!

Yesterday, Disneyland was closed for the celebration of Hannah Montana a.k.a. Miley Cyrus' 16 birthday celebration. Now, her birthday isn't until November 23. That is not the point - and I do have one! Think about the movie, Cabaret! In the worst of times - war, natural disasters or financial - there will always be frivolity. More than ever, people will want to escape to forget or drink to forget, or whatever some people do to forget. Remember that and perhaps you can come up with your own answer to your personal economic concerns right now. Just create and market your own ______ to forget and you will be able to pay your bills! 

Yes, I am trying to be funny, but I also want all of us to keep plugging along. This too shall pass. Have a fine day and do stay away from the financial channels!

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