Friday, September 5, 2008

Voting - That's a Personal Thing, Eh?

Canadian Government is different from the American system – not better necessarily, just different. I sure don’t intend to give you all the details except to say that it is patterned after the British system. Also, I should let you know that there are not fixed four year terms. A leader can be turfed out by a vote of “non-confidence”. This is vote is instigated by the opposition, which may or may not be at any current time, “Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition”. Rather interesting system for getting rid of a poor leader, don’t you think?


In my time there has been a woman (Kim Campbell) who was in office 132 days (1993) and at least two men who were “asked to leave” (Joe Clark and Paul Martin). These were elected, not taking over terms of other Prime Ministers.


To balance it off, Pierre Elliott Trudeau (just enough English, just enough French) served 15 years, 164 days. He “brought home the Canadian Constitution” and put Canada on the map. He also is remembered for his various shenanigans which made him a very colorful Prime Minister. Off the top, I recall him dating Barbara Streisand and uttering an obscenity in the House. He swore in a House of Parliament? Ah, yes, but he said that what he said was – get this, Americans – “Fuddle Duddle!” Whoa! Sadly, the breakdown of his marriage was played out on print front pages and national television.


I am only telling you a little of what I was used to in Canada. I voted for the person I liked at the time and was not obliged to tell anybody. I did not have a political party name stamped on a card to hand to a Poll Worker.


So, after I became an American Citizen, and could vote, imagine my surprise (when we parked and started walking toward the Voting Station) to be approached by a local TV reporter standing beside a camera on tripod.


The fellow asked me how I felt about George W. Bush and I lobbied with talk of the misfortunes of having 9-11 and the Iraq war on his watch. When the reporter looked a little puzzled, I launched into the fact that this President, “Is a fine Christian man”.


Then he asked exactly who I would be voting for and I said I had never had to answer that in Canada. He turned off his camera, looked around to see there was only Hubby left to interview and said to Hubby,


“What am I going to do with that?”


I love it! My quote about Mr. Bush was used on the 5, 6 and 10 o’clock news and the bit about not having to answer, was edited out.


I am still learning about the American system of 2 four year terms max and not less than 4 years unless you are impeached which would be a little stronger than a vote of non-confidence!


Hubby is still trying to help me to understand this straight two party system and more than that just who might be voting for whom.


Like I said, “Voting, that’s a personal thing, eh?”

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