Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's an Ava Day!

Yes, yes – it’s an Ava day today! I’ve written before about how important Ava has been to me and what an influence she is in my life! (She’s almost 19 months.)

I crop (scrapbook) every photo I’ve taken or anyone else has taken. I sure had to wait a lot of years to have this precious little girl in my life. So, I make the very most of it!

Now, today is her Mama’s birthday, so that is a good reason for Ava to come over. Her Mama is going to find out just how much her life is changing when she sees her gift! Ava, Mommy and Daddy are moving to a house! Ah, now the responsibilities really begin for them!

You can see from the photo I’ve posted that Ava has her eye on the white Standard Poodle in the curio cabinet. I was lucky to be able to capture that! I remember someone giving me a pink Standard Poodle figurine with two little pink poodles when I was little. I loved it. So, I’ve been looking for one for Ava for her new room in her new home.

Ava is pretty – no, she’s beautiful (just like your grandchild) and she can do no wrong (just like your grandchild)!

Ava is a very good person to invite over to eat because she likes really simple stuff. She likes veggies and hot dogs. So, we will have hot dogs today! (Does she get this from her Dad who is a Houston Astros’ fan?) Or does she like them because her very special great-grandpa makes them for her? She doesn’t need the bun and she probably won’t have mustard and she’d like some carrot sticks on the side! Yup, she’s going to be trim like Mama!

I hope that today you have a joy like Ava in your life. Children are true gifts and blessings from God and I thank God every day for Ava!


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