Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Go 'Stros, Go! Shake The After-Ike Blues!

Well, we are definitely feeling the after effects of Hurricane Ike! 

The man who helps us out of the supermarket with our groceries says he will be moving up north - no more of this for him! (Hopefully, after a while, surely he will realize that his life is here.)

When we have been out and about, every one we speak with has a story to tell but most people's power is back up and they have not suffered too much damage. Everyone is still alive and ready to get on with life.

Most of us are still not truly back into our routine. There are reminders everywhere of Ike - particularly piles of tree limbs at curbside. And, there are several houses with trees lying on the roofs.

One of the best reminders that someone cares is that State Farm have set up several tents in the Lowes Parking Lot. If you have a claim, you can just drive over there and they will help you. That is very calming.

Fortunately, we do not have a claim. We do have a sort of lethargy as we go about our daily tasks and both of us still have pain in our backs. We worked perhaps a little too hard to be ready for Ike.

Weather is changing all over now and moving elsewhere probably is not an answer. 

All that said, I want to let the Houston Astros know that we are counting on them to shake their after-Ike blues and get with the program, starting tonight!

You have had a chance to survey your homes and Houston, The Texas Gulf Coast, all Texas is counting on you, not just to contribute money, but to boost our spirits! 

Go 'Stros, Go!

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