Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the summer of 2002, our pastor took a summer vacation and left the suggestion for Keith & me to sing Four Strong Winds during a special service. Keith was unsure of the song as it went back to his Aruba Gap - the years he and Jayne and family lived in Aruba. 

So, I set up the words for us. I sang the verses and we sang the chorus together. I have always been happy to give our Texas friends a little taste of true Canadiana!

In 2005, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)  declared this song the "most essential piece of Canadian Music"! 

Legendary Canadian  singer-songwriter, Ian Tyson is 75 years old today. How can that be? It just doesn't seem that long ago we would go to the coffee houses of Toronto Downtown and listen to Ian & Sylvia sing melodious folk songs of the late 50s and early 60s - before the "British Invasion".

If you go to, and input "Ian Tyson - Four Strong Winds",  you will be able to sit back and reminise about the good old days of folk music. This beautiful song has been covered by many major country and pop artists over the years.

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