Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yup . . . Even Smaller Than You Think!

About ten days after John’s death, I was in the Mart and when I said my husband had died, a cashier named Jopy put down her cash tray and gave me a huge hug. These were small miracles that got me through the day, the kindness people would show to me. Although people at that store did not know me by name, they knew my husband was very ill in nursing home and now that he had died.

- Exerpt from the Chapter called More Than Groceries in BUMPY ROAD TO TEXAS by Martha Sutton

I was talking to my wonderful Port Hope friend, Judy today and she was telling me about talking to her friend, and how she had told her about my book and that she was in it! Her friend turned out to be Jopy! She actually remembered me from 13 years ago and now Jopy is reading Bumpy Road To Texas!

Of course, I do wish all these people would buy copies so my book would generate income and become a bestseller, but I have to tell you that I thought it was amazing that woman remembered me and that she was interested in reading my book!

Just like Winn in Ottawa shaking Barack Obama's hand on Thursday, it points out how small this world really is! It reminds us too just how our actions can actually impact others!

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