Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Brightness of Shrove Tuesday Before The Solemnity of Ash Wednesday

Well, here we are in our Mardi Gras colors of yesterday. We had our party at church and followed with another photo of Buddy the Lhasa at home. It was a fine time! I already explained that good food we enjoyed.

Today is Ash Wednesday, a solemn day in the Christian calendar. We are heading out to our church service where Pastor will mark a cross of ash on our foreheads - "From ashes you have come and to ashes you will return". We will all leave in silence and thus begins the Lenten season which ends in the crucifying of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. After three days, He rose on what we call Easter Sunday.

It is for Christians, the holiest time of the Christian calendar. Then on Easter Sunday, we shall proclaim,

The Lord is risen; He is risen indeed! On that day (Easter) we shall again put on our bright clothes in celebration.
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