Sunday, February 1, 2009

BlackBerry Convenience

It has been two weeks to make your head spin - well, almost two weeks. Since Barack Obama was sworn in (at least once) as President, every day there has been something new to consider when watching FOX and CNN.

(By the way, I subscribe to the rule that Mr. Obama officially became President at noon, EST on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 and that the swearing-in ceremony is ceremonial.)

I think a lot about the mind and health of Barack Obama. His quick mind was evident when he was campaigning, debating and speaking before the Election. Occasionally we saw his self-deprecating humor.

My cousin, Tom, would have said Barack Obama would make a good dinner companion.

You have to like his wife, Michelle and their daughters. You don't have to look too carefully to see how much Barack and Michelle truly love each other.

Most writers are observers of life. That is where we find our stories.

At the Alfalfa Dinner last night, Mr. Obama made fun of himself suggesting that keeping his beloved BlackBerry was his hardest work so far.

Now, Mr. Obama is not in my "fave five" but I know I would miss my cell phone if I had to give it up. Since Hubby is generally driving, sometimes I get calls made while we are in traffic around town.

Since I learned to text, I have been able to cut messages to one granddaughter to bare minimum words and she seems to like that. She's a busy Mom with a job and a house and is often on call. A brief, precise message gets an answer.

So, although I don't have Mr. Obama's number, he can get mine, can't he?

Now, we all know he texts because he texted his choice for VP.

Since texts are short and to the point, can I expect:

Pls send recipe for dumbed-down guacamole dip PDQ for Steelers fans. Thx, B.

Yup, that's what we're having this afternoon. If I am well enough, I'll be at Super Crop and Hubby will be watching Super Bowl here at the house.

So I just hit the reply on my-less-than-BlackBerry:

1 pack Wholly Guacamole. 1 lge Sour Cream. Blend together till it tastes right. Welcome, M.

Enjoy the game, all and especially you, Mr. President!

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