Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Forget the Stimulus – Here’s News You Can Use!

Fox News last night on Twitter posted a story from the Times of London on Adolf Hitler’s table manners.

Apparently while cleaning out a house, papers marked, “must be destroyed within 48 hours of reading” were found.

The papers included a psychological profile of the Nazi dictator. I think we already knew pretty much all we wanted to know about Hitler’s psyche!

I wouldn’t have thought him to be particularly well-mannered, so it is not surprising that the Fuhrer is described as biting his nails during meals, gorging on cakes. Ah . . . too much sugar, was it?

It was also mentioned that he was lost in his own thoughts and paid little attention to the dinner conversation going on around him. And we thought he was the life of the party!

Apparently Hitler would eat only vegetables and stewed fruit and banned smoking in his presence. As we would expect, he generally had one or two glasses of beer. The veggies and fruit are healthy enough.

All this coming a little less than 64 years after Hitler’s death is pretty much a non item.

But, it got you away from thinking about the stimulus bill and GM’s new money request for a few minutes, didn’t it?

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