Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Keep That Pen Handy, Mr. President!

I have been thinking recently about when the salaries of doctors were capped in Ontario - in the late 1990s. Since it is a socialized system, that was a government decision.

There are many people whose salaries are absolutely beyond reason, in particular some executives of major corporations and some athletes.

It is hard to believe that some team sports are paying individual players exorbitant salaries, far beyond what any individual needs to live a luxurious life. The bottom line in sports is that tickets are priced beyond what an average family can afford.

(As an aside and I know this is perhaps small of me, but there is one thing that truly troubles me when I watch professional basketball. These men are making huge bucks and they miss the FREE throw! I can hardly believe that! It is called "free" and gives you an opportunity to throw that ball like you did in your driveway when you were a kid! Sounds simple to me!)

In the case of corporations, it is hard to fathom that executives are making enormous salaries and bonuses while the companies' stocks are sinking.

I cannot believe that humans are so indispensable that they should be making millions of dollars, particularly when the economy is making it very difficult for the average citizen to balance his budget, much less pay college tuition, travel or purchase new things.

When we cannot spend, more bad things happen to the economy. It's pretty simple math.

How happy I am to see President Barack Obama start at his own desk by capping all White House salaries over $100,000 today.

Thank you, Mr. President - keep going!

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