Sunday, July 5, 2009

One Fine Show for July 4th - Clay Walker and Houston: You Did Yourselves Proud!

Last night at Eleanor Tinsley Park in Houston, Freedom Over Texas was celebrated with country singer Clay Walker. You probably know the temperatures down here are very high 90s and early 100s F., and yesterday - July 4th - was no exception!

We watched (on TV) as Clay Walker gave an standing outdoor audience of about 100,000 the show of a lifetime.

There was a tribute to NASA who will celebrate July 20, 1965 - 40 years since Alan Shepherd landed on the moon. Do you recall where you were when you heard those words:

"One Small step for man . . . One giant leap for mankind", voiced by Astronaut Alan Shepherd"? Can it really be 40 years ago?

There was a magnificent fireworks display to music - Big like Texas!

No tax dollars paid for this concert which was underwritten by Shell Windenergy.

Clay Walker just sang and sang - with most of the audience singing along with him - until his shirt was soaked with perspiration and his hair soaking wet.

As an aside, Clay Walker is a Texan himself and his Galveston home was damaged during Hurricane Ike. He is currently living in the Nashville area.

Thanks for some truly fine entertainment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catching up on what I've missed. Did not see the show but like the singer very much. To answer the big question Oh Yes I remember we were living in TX City on July 20
of 69. We were in tight race with Russia. They reached outer space first but we had the 1st to walk the moon. What a happy day. We laughed and we cried.